Dr. Ken Nordberg's Buck Hunting School DVDs (a 10 Disc Set)
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Dr. Ken Nordberg’s Buck Hunting School Videos: here at last is the DVD series whitetail hunters all over America have been requesting for many years. Dr. Nordberg is the author of the bestselling, nine edition "Whitetail Hunter's Almanac" series, and the three ever-popular,"Do-It-Yourself Black Bear Baiting & Hunting" books. During the past two decades, this school was a four-day event in early spring (before tree leaves began growing in northern Minnesota), two days devoted to classroom instruction and two days devoted to field instruction. During the past decade or so, field instruction took place where Dr. Nordberg and his partners have been very successfully hunting mature bucks (as chronicled in Midwest Outdoors). You could not find a better place for learning to hunt adult bucks.
Unfortunately, Dr. Nordberg decided to stop giving these classes in 2005. Over the years, many of the students from past classes wished they had a video version of the classes they took. Many others who were unable to go to these classes due to cost, conflicts with dates, or other reasons also wished they could purchase video versions. Since the early 1980s, may thousands of hunters all over America who enjoyed Dr. Nordberg's slide presentations during seminars at hunting shows wished they could purchase video versions as well. Now, for a fraction of the cost of the original classes, you can experience Dr. Ken Nordberg's Buck Hunting School in your own home!
These schools were made possible by Dr. Nordberg’s first 38 years (now 47) of unique, scientific, hunting-related research with wild deer over much of North America. Most of what he teaches today, including his five new and much improved hunting methods, is based on important discoveries about habits and behavior of five classes of wild whitetails with contributions provided by grey wolves during those years. What you will learn from these unique videos is the truth (based only on many years of observations of wild deer under similar circumstances) and it works. New and improved hunting methods introduced in these schools, some wolf inspired, were painstakingly developed to greatly improve every hunter’s odds for taking whitetails with gun or bow, whitetails most hunters only dream about, namely, mature bucks, truly among the world’s most elusive of big game. Of course, such advanced methods also improve odds for taking all other deer.
Students who were fortunate to go to Dr. Nordberg's Buck Hunting School received 36 hours or more of instruction. Dr. Nordberg’s son, John Nordberg, video-taped the last two schools — in 2004 and 2005 — and then edited the time down to 18 hours, making certain the finished DVDs would have the same hunting value provided to students who attended these schools in person. All of Dr. Nordberg's slides were scanned at high resolution, digitally remastered, and inserted into the appropriate locations in the video presentation. Additional Nordberg deer camp photos, and video clips taken by John Nordberg over the years were also inserted.
No hunting instruction beats receiving instruction in the field in person by Dr. Nordberg. But now you can have the next best thing by being there via DVDs. At Doc's hunting schools, he gave a long version of his slide presentation. In this 10-disc set of DVDs, Doc's famous set of 300+ slides were all scanned, digitally remastered, and inserted into the video of Doc's classroom instruction. Additional, slides, photos, and graphics from Doc, John, and other members of the Nordberg crew were inserted to push the number to over 350. Over the years, John Nordberg has been shooting videos in deer camp and some of this footage has also been added to give the viewer a more personal look inside the Nordberg deer camp. You can watch these DVDs as often as you wish in your own home at any time convenient to you, saving costs of travel, food, lodging and school tuition. As you will discover, Dr. Nordberg loves to teach hunters how to more successfully take mature bucks. His field instructions include identifying and measuring tracks, droppings and beds of the five classes of whitetails and buck rubs and scrapes, identifying various kinds of feeding areas, doe and buck bedding areas and explaining various new and much more productive hunting methods. Also included are details of the Nordberg unique system of trails, where and how to select sites for tree stands, ground level stand hunting using man-made and natural blinds and much, much more. There is no other comparable source of truthful whitetail lore and whitetail hunting instruction on the market today. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn what you need to know to become a regularly successful buck hunter.
Here is a detail list of what is included on each disc:
Disc 1 (1 hour 46 minutes)
- Opening Credits
- Proof of the Pudding
- Introduction
- Day 1 — Classroom (2004)
- Why big bucks are tough
- Down Wind — Cross Wind Tip
Disc 2 (1 hour 47 minutes)
- Non-Aggressive Hunting Tip
- Odors & Scents
- Deer Trails
- Four Stories
- Sentinels of the Woods
- The Rut — Phase I
- Rut Phase II
Disc 3 (1 hour 47 minutes)
- Rut Phase II Continued
- Ground Scrapes
- Antler Rubs
- Rut Phase III
- Rut Phase IV
- Rut Phase V
Disc 4 (1 hour 47 minutes)
- Behavioral Classes
- 2.5 Year Old Bucks
- 3.5–6.5 Year Olds
- Dominant Breeding Bucks
- Deer Signs
- Tracks
- Tracks of Wounded Deer
Disc 5 (1 hour 44 minutes)
- 2004 Day 2 Classroom
- Droppings
- Beds
- Watering Spots
- Foods & Feeding Areas
Disc 6 (1 hour 45 minutes)
- Foods Continued
- Weather
- Hunter’s Sunset
- Stands
- Stories
- Approach Trails
- Clothing
- Whitetail Sign Guides
Disc 7 (1 hour 40 minutes)
- Ground Level Hunting
- Katy’s Stump
- Modified Deer Trails
- Misc. Tips
- Doc’s Portable Stump
- Rattling
Disc 8 (1 hour 44 minutes)
- The Gentle Nudge
- Cover All Bases
- Classroom Ending
- 2004 Afield
- Three-Buck Point
- Peggy’s Stone
- Horseshoe Valley
- Bunyan’s Marble
- Moose Mountain
- Ground Blind
- Creek Crossing
Disc 9 (1 hour 47 minutes)
- 2004 1st Day Afield Continued
- A Browse Area
- 2004 2nd Day Afield
- Lots-of-bucks Mountain
- Buck Bedroom
- Acorn Mountain
- Antler Mountain
- 2005 1st Day Afield
- Doe Family Bedding Area
- A Ground Blind
- Three-Buck Point
Disc 10 (1 hour 44 minutes)
- 2005 1st Day Afield Continued
- Bunyan’s Marble Trail
- Moose Mountain
- Watering Spot
- Ladder Crossing
- Katy’s Buck
- 2005 2nd Day Afield
- Lots-of-Bucks Mountain
- Tyler’s Big Buck
- Four Bear Hill
- Creek Crossing
- Birch Mountain
- Wolf Droppings
- Breaking Camp