Whitetail Hunters Almanac, 8th Edition
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Whitetail Hunter's Almanac, 8th Edition is a guide to “mid-hunt cruising,” a wolf-inspired hunting tactic that enables the hunter to daily determine where to hunt a buck (or other deer) right now, later today or tomoorow morning without alarming it enough to make it abandon currently frequented trails or feeding area or bedding area or worse, abandon its entire home or breeding range and/or become nocturnal. Mid-hunt cruising is an extraordinarily effective way to improve buck hunting success during a hunting season, one Dr. Nordberg and his hunting partners use without fail daily beginning on day three of a hunting season. This book also lists items of hunting gear that actually improve hunting success, how to avoid becoming lost, what to do upon becoming lost and how to avoid, recognize and treat potentially fatal hypothermia.
Dr. Ken Nordberg's “Mid-Hunt Cruising” whitetail hunting technique is excellent. Understanding this technique greatly helps a hunter in the woods key on real-time deer sign — hunting correctly for the moment — hunting like a wolf hunts.
John Nordberg — “I am not a collector of the latest deer hunting devices or contraptions. When did it become mandatory that a deer hunter had to have an ATV? If they were only used for dragging in a big buck, I would be OK with that — but they are not. Besides, dragging a deer to camp the old fashioned way is a very special part of hunting. What is wrong with using your legs? Especially because of the their odors, I believe ATVs are the biggest hindrance to most hunters getting a big buck nowadays. With my ATV tirade aside, in our camp, we like good equipment. Starting with our big wall tents and wood burning stoves — which allows us to be out close to the deer — they keep us warm even if its 40 below. We can come back to camp, have a quick lunch or even a nap, and go right back out. We hear hunters’ shots. We hear the wolves howling. We always know what is going on with the weather. I know our tent camps give us an advantage. In the early morning, when I am watching deer at the end of their feeding cycle, I always hear vehicles filled with deer hunters coming down the nearby gravel road from resorts and cabins. I always think, ‘too late.’ We always talk about our newest gloves, underwear, outerwear and such like it is critical — because it is. We all have great cots and sleeping bags. We eat like kings: BBQ Ribs, BBQ Chicken, Steak, Spaghetti, Lasagna, and so on. We all use scoped bolt action 7mm Magnum rifles. You won't find us in the smoky bars in the evening. This book by Dr. Nordberg covers all the essential tools and equipment. Hey, this book is still in stock! Get yourself a copy now. When you consider how much you have invested in your equipment, what’s another ten bucks? And besides, after it’s out of print, its value will skyrocket (see Ebay).”