Whitetail Hunters Almanac, 3rd Edition
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Whitetail Hunter's Almanac, 3rd Edition is a guide to “mobile stand hunting,” using a series of stand sites to outfox today's stand-smart adult whitetails. The most valuable part of this book is its list of twenty-three stand sites for elevated or ground-level stand hunting. Included are instructions for finding these sites, their descriptions and locations, positioning of stands, stand site preparations, best hunting periods, special precautions, approach trails and more. Mobile stand hunting was developed in 1989 when it was becoming apparent whitetails were becoming adept at spotting hunters in trees and avoiding them. Refinements thereafter became the foundation for several new and more productive hunting methods. This book also quickly recaps important information about rut phases. The acronym “AGA” refers to areas of greatest activity. This edition is packed with important tips for hunting mature bucks and other deer.